Friday, February 13, 2009

Divine Creator? or Scientific Phenomena?

where some believe that God is the creator of the universe and everything in it follows his plan, i do not. God and the bible are, in my opinion, things that people refer to only to explain things they do not understand. that is, ultimately, the origin of all religion. people didn't know why things work the way they do, so they came up with an idea that explains everything in what i believe to be a fairy tale like manner. just because humans cannot provide a bulletproof reason as to why or how the universe was created or, for that matter, came to be how it is today doesn't mean that the reason is God. while scientists back their theories up with logic and fact, believers in intelligent design always revert back to the bible, saying 'well, the new testament says...' or 'well, that doesn't explain...' or 'well, we humans are just too complex...'. i am not agreeing with scientific theories on the creation of the universe, rather i am simply stating that science provides more support for the argument against creation than intelligent design believers provide for their argument that everything is because of god, because some book says so. DISCLAIMER: i have nothing against anyone who believes in creation or any type of religion, this is just my opinion and i am open to listening to both sides of the argument so feel free to share your opinion with me. in fact, please do.

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